Thursday, November 8, 2012


I have to learn to say "no". I can say no to animals. In fact, that an integral part of their training.
I have to learn to say "No" to people.

When they invite me to dinner. When they ask me to do them a favour. When they want to borrow a book. When they call me at a time I am in no mood to talk. Whatever.

I dont say "No" when the proposition is voiced. Movie, drinks, shopping, travel. I say yes. Even though I am mentally saying O God,NO! Actually, I have already decided that I am not going to agree, and I am rejecting that proposition of yours....But I will say, "Sure, that sounds fun!"

Then closer to the date, I try to give it a tentative status.
Closest to the time, I cancel.With a pathetic, PATHetic excuse.

I know its a terribly bad habit. I try to be polite,and I try not to hurt anyones feelings.But I fail. Miserably.

I shall just say no, next time.

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