Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Aunt Flo and the White Guy.

Guys sometime forget I'm a girl.
Im ok talking football, and not caring about how beer can be fattening. But I'm not OK talking girlfriend issues.

But I made an excpetion. My Swimming partner ( we have swum about four times, but thats all there is to us)... talks about making movies, catching a bus, and his girlfriend...all in the same tone.

He had cancelled a swimming date, with no reason stated,or asked.
when we met up next time, he kind of talked about it.

He said, very apologetically, that his girlfriend was visited byAunt Flo, and he stayed at home.
I kept a straight face, and said nothing.

He went on to say , that he knows nothing about a pattern of constipation, bloated tummies, or throwing up, but he just knows that hormones DO go to the head.
He has figured out, that just being there, to listen to which part of the stomach is paining, or to threats that she might fart...just makes things easier.
He has no idea what those farts are like, they are just too ladylike! And he completely doesn't get what is bloated...apparently she looks more bloated after a good meal.
As for the hormones, he says they act up in various cases all through the month...housework, errands,the music he chooses to play, the vegetables and groceries she buys...so he doesn't quite get that either.

What he does know, is that he just needs to be in the house. And listen to her rants, or her silence. It works for him, as he can catch on up work, or emails, or some housework. He treats her like she might have the flu or something...offer to make soup, and not expect her to "Do" anything as such.... and thats ok.

All this while, I kept a straight face.

Then he said."It's like when we were kids, and we didnt want to go to school... we would pretend to be sick. And if we were really really sick.... we would just love the way we would be allowed to eat in bed, watch TV till late. I figure that all girls just like to be given that "sick child treatment" every once in while."

I rolled my eyes. And didnt know what to say. These firang men!!

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